"Walk in Gentle Strength"

Archived News
2014 News
Congratulations to the following for Iaido shinsa, February 2014:
- Andre Castro - 3 kyu
- Ana Krstanovic - 3 kyu
- Abel Erives - 1 kyu
- Mitko Botev - 1 kyu
- James Donovan - 1 dan
- Jon DeSousa - 3 dan
2013 News
Congratulations to the following for Kendo and Iaido promotions:
- Aki Mori - 1 dan
- Kevin King - 3 dan
- Louis Carreras Jr. - 3 dan
Congratulations to the following iaidoka for promotion:
- Nathan Gilman - 3 kyu
- Abel Erives - 2 kyu
- Mitko Botev - 2 kyu
- Bella Kaldera - 2 kyu
- Jim Donavan - 1 kyu
- Dana Vittum - 1 dan
- Rich Todosichuk - 2 dan
- William Steffenberg - 2 dan
- Louis Carreras Sr. - 2 dan
- Greg Dawe - 3 dan
2012 News
Massachusetts Kendo Tournament, May 2012
- Celso O'Donnell - 3rd place, adult individuals
- Takuma Okada - 1st place, junior division
- Jonathan Batista - 3rd place, junior division
April 2012 Kendo Exam Results
- Akihiro Mori - 1st Dan
- Mitko Botev - 1st Kyu
Upcoming Events
- June 2012 - National Iaido Camp, Takoma, WA
- August 2012 - National Kendo Camp, Las Vegas, NV
2011 News
Iaido Shinsa, June, 2011
Rich Todosichuk was promoted to 1st Dan!
Iaido Shinsa, January 22, 2011
The following promotions, congratulations!
- Greg Dawe-2nd Dan
- Louis Carreras-2nd Dan
- Gerry Tanguary-2nd Dan
- Corwyn Miyagishima-2nd Dan
- Lou Carreras-1st Kyu
- Richard Todosichuk-1st Kyu
- Lee Betts-1st Kyu
- Diane McMullen-1st Kyu
- Pedro Batista-1st Kyu
- Bill Steffenberg-1st Kyu
- Celso O'Donnell-2nd Kyu
- Dana Vittum-2nd Kyu
- Jim Donavan-3rd Kyu
- Carmen Mandel-3rd Kyu
2010 News
Upcoming Events
July 25, 2010: All Eastern United States Kendo Federation kendo exam-Randolph, MA
October 2010: Annual ShuFuKai Kendo Tournament-Randolph, MA (Exact Date TBD)
June, Iaido Exam Results:
Marty Kale-3rd Dan
Carmen Mandel-4th Kyu
Congratulations to everyone on a great job!
Member of the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF) |
For more information, please contact info@doshikai.org |